Talk about a hidden gem. Tucked away next to the AMC movie theatre in the middle of Northpark mall is the last place I would expect to find a welcoming, fresh and delicious sit-down restaurant. Yet, here it is - tucked away in the midst of all of this -
Greenhouse Market. With menu options ranging from grilled sandwiches and bison burgers to freshly made original salad and side options, this establishment is a breath of fresh air in the middle of a shopping and fast food frenzy. I can only imagine the respite it will provide once the Northpark holiday shopping kicks in. With its clean, bright decor and its expansive windows, welcoming in warmth and sunlight, it really is a small oasis in the middle of shopping bags, bustling bodies, clanging cash registers, and long lines. Bring yourself, bring your friends, bring your children - there will be something for everyone and you will leave refreshed, fueled to finish the day.
Menu Mentions:

Between the "
Plates" that include options like Grilled Salmon with two Market Salads, the sandwiches that offer choices such as
Brisket Grilled Cheese,
Black Bean & Quinoa Burger, and
Caprese Grilled Cheese, and the
Market Salads which include an array of freshly made seasonal salads (spaghettis squash, roasted fall vegetables, baby kale, and quinoa & wild rice salad to name a few) it is hard to not already begin planning your next visit before you even sit down at your table. I can say that their selections not only sound delicious, but they also ARE delicious. This particular day I went with the "choice of 3 market salads". I chose the
Roasted Beets, the
Spaghetti Squash and the
Winter Chicken Salad. Every item was a win. The seasoned beets were accompanied by a queso fresco, which added just enough flavor to compliment and not overpower. The winter chicken salad with its shallot dressing and hint of citrus was so flavorful and savory, it surprised both me and the friend I was dining with. The spaghetti squash conjured up the same response with its subtle flavors of tomato, herbs and, I'm pretty sure, lemon. I got the spaghetti squash out of curiosity - not expecting much - but the blend of flavors surprised me and stopped me mid bite, causing me to slow down and savor (of course, what I should have been doing anyway). The good news here is that they also have a
kids menu with simpler but still healthier options - so moms, dads, aunts, uncles - feel free to stop in and rest assured that everyone's needs can be met. The menu changes with the seasons so make sure you visit regularly to experience all of the foods and flavors that Greenhouse Market has to offer.
Nutrition Notes:
Fiber... beets, spaghetti squash, frisee... helps keep you full, promote a healthy GI system and can help lower cholesterol.
Protein... chicken... aids in the growth, maintenance & repair of cells (including cells damaged due to sickness or injury from surgery or sports / exercise).
Lycopene... tomatoes... powerful antioxidant that helps prevent hardening of the arteries and may protect against certain cancers.
Vitamin C... beets, tomatoes... helps the body produce collagen and protects agains infection and cell damage (promotes healthy looking skin). Aids in iron absorption when plant - based sources are consumed.
Iron... chicken, beets... important for red blood cells to be able to transport oxygen to all of our tissues (such as skin and muscles).
Natural Nitrates... beets... see "side note" below.
Betains... beets... have anti-inflammatory effects on the body
Vitamin A... spaghetti squash... helps build a strong immune system, is critical to good vision, and is important for healthy functioning organs like the heart, lungs and kidneys.
Potassium... beets... helps manage blood pressure & proper nerve & muscle communication. May reduce the risk of bone loss as we age.
Side Note: The Beat on Beets
Did you know that cooked beets and beetroot juice have been found to have positive effects on endurance and performance in athletes, specifically endurance athletes like cyclists or long distance runners?
Studies have found this to be true largely due to the
natural nitrates found in beetroot.
These natural nitrates are naturally found in leafy greens and vegetables like beetroot and are converted to nitrites and then nitric oxide in the body. The nitric oxide is what gives beet products their potential benefits in exercisers and athletes.
Studies have found that beetroot & beetroot juice:
- Increase blood flow to working muscles and decrease blood pressure (acting as a vasodilator)
- Decrease the amount of oxygen needed during exercise
- Increase time until exhaustion
- Therefore, increasing exercise tolerance & endurance
My Conclusion (Based on a ranking of 1 to 5...1 = will not return; 5 = will return tomorrow)
Taste = 5
Nutrition = 5
Service = 5
Overall Ranting = 5
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